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7 search results

  • Getting Started: How do I configure osConcert?
    Answer: Configuration Throughout the osConcert Back End there is plethora of settings, most of which should be kept default unless you are sure you know what you ...
  • Getting Started: What are the osConcert Settings?
    Answer: Admin>SETTINGS>osConcert Settings In the “osConcert Settings” section, you configure specific osConcert related settings, switch on/off modules, set and change set specific system settings, edit error messages ...
  • General Support: What is the Seat Plan Cache?
    Answer: Admin>Concert Details>Seat Plan>Seat Plan Cache When the seat plan cache has been enabled (the cache creates a memory of the seat plan pages for faster rendering ...
  • General Support: What is the Seat Plan Cache?
    Answer: Admin>Concert Details>Seat Plan>Seat Plan Cache When the seat plan cache has been enabled (the cache creates a memory of the seat plan pages for faster rendering ...
  • Getting Started: I have installed my osConcert. How do I configure it to start selling tickets?
    Answer: Here is a summary of tasks that will help you configure your osConcert after you install your osConcert Application with your seat plan integrated. 1. Currency ...
  • Design Mode: How do I create a seat plan in Design Mode?
    Answer: GOTO UPDATE 2024 In osConcert version 9.5 (APRIL 2022) there is a new feature Design Mode To start creating seat plans in Design Mode we must first ...
  • Introduction: How to build your own seat plan?
    Answer: UPDATED November 2024 NEW in osConcert Version 10 for Design Mode FREE ONLINE SEAT PLAN MAKER Use my free tool to build up your osconcert template file. Import to ...

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