Introduction: What is osConcert? Answer:
Welcome to osConcert
osConcert was originally devised as an Online Visual Reservation Management tool to help ticket sellers manage their seat bookings.
After more than 10 years ...
Installation: How do we install osConcert? Answer:
We recommend a full https installation and that will require your domain has a SSL certificate installed. Don't worry osConcert installs perfectly fine without SSL.
[SEPT ...
Getting Started: Is there a Quick Start Guide? Answer:
Yes! ..after installation here is the a list of the important steps
Getting Started: How do I configure osConcert? Answer:
Throughout the osConcert Back End there is plethora of settings, most of which should be kept default unless you are sure you know what you ...
Getting Started: Orders Status: What is the recommended set up? Answer:
Yes, this is important…!
Your ultimate goal is to allow your visitors to choose seats, register an account (which can be optional) and then to make ...
Getting Started: How do I create my Sign Up/Registration page. Answer: Admin>Shop Settings>Advanced>Customers
The Advanced Shop Settings for Customers offers a selection of Customer Account Fields from a list that you want to configure for the registration ...
Getting Started: What are the osConcert Settings? Answer:
Admin>SETTINGS>osConcert Settings
In the “osConcert Settings” section, you configure specific osConcert related settings, switch on/off modules, set and change set specific system settings, edit error messages ...
Barcode Scanning: How can we scan eTickets using a Smartphone App? Answer:
osConcert generates PDF eTickets per order and the most popular choice of barcode is 2D QRHere’s a short tutorial explaining how we can validate our ...
General Support: How do we arrange Featured Events? Answer:
Featured Categories
We have added the option to show a responsive image gallery of the featured category events. For this to be most effective you’ll need ...