General Support: How do we arrange Featured Events? Answer:
Featured Categories
We have added the option to show a responsive image gallery of the featured category events. For this to be most effective you’ll need ...
General Support: What is the Seat Plan Cache? Answer:
Admin>Concert Details>Seat Plan>Seat Plan Cache
When the seat plan cache has been enabled (the cache creates a memory of the seat plan pages for faster rendering ...
Box Office Method: How do we set up Box Office checkout? Answer:
Because this is a VISUAL Seat Reservation tool, it’s better that reservations are made through the FRONT END checkout process.We have the ability to nominate ...
Box Office Method: How do I set a Billing Name for Box Office Staff orders? Answer:
Sometimes it’s necessary to identify the buyer of eTickets when making orders with a nominated Box Office account.We can have a ‘Billing Name’ on the ...
Box Office Method: What is Box Office Reservation Mode? Answer:
Box Office Reservation Mode is a payment/checkout module devised for Box Office teams. Agents can work together ....take RESERVATIONS and adjust the Orders Status later ...
General Support: How do we create CMS pages? Answer:
Home Page Edit ( CMS)
Admin>CMS>HomepageOn the Admin>CMS>Homepage, click the EDIT button. Then edit the text in the WYSIWYG editor.
DEVELOPERS:The Homepage can be edited directly; templates/cartzone/content/english/mainpage.php
Static ...
Concert Details: How do I set up my concert and the details of the performances? Answer:
Concert DetailsIn osConcert THE dedicated place to set up, edit and reset loaded shows (LOADED visual seat plans) is in “Concert Details”.
In “Concert Details” each ...
Discount Mods: How do I correctly set Free Payment (complimentary tickets)? Answer:
The Free Payment is an invisible module introduced to help users issue complimentary tickets. The Free Payment Module works in tandem with the Gift Voucher/Coupon ...
Discount Mods: How do I set up Discount Coupons? Answer:
Sales Discount-CouponsWith osConcert... it is possible to generate unlimited Discount-Coupons or Gift Vouchers. The Administrator can send COUPON CODES to registered customers.Customers can REDEEM codes ...
Discount Mods: How can I set up bulk coupon codes? (Advanced) Answer:
Bulk set up of COUPON CODES via phpMyAdmin Database Manager for osConcert
Create an example coupon so that we know what fields to use when we ...