Customers: What else should we know about Customer Info Fields? Answer:
More about - Customer Info Fields
Referral Source
Admin>Shop Settings>Advanced>Customers>Enable both Referral Source and How did you Hear about us##if "Other" please specifyThis is what you will ...
eTickets: How can I Print all eTickets in bulk? Answer:
This is a great new feature and is powerful enough to utilize osConcert as an eTicket generating machine.With just one click osConcert can produce hundreds ...
eTickets: How to create and edit the PDF eTicket Answer:
osConcert comes standard with a printable PDF ticket template, the “Events Customer Ticket”.
If you don’t want the option for customers to view and print PDF ...
General Admission Events: How do I create a General Admission Event with Concessions? Answer:
General Admission Events with Master Quantity
For General Admission (GA) events, osConcert offers a GA Master Quantity option. A GA Master Quantity is often used for ...
General Admission Events: How do I set up ‘General Admission’ as a SHOW in osConcert? Answer:
We want to sell General Admission Tickets at it's most basic.One SHOW with a Quantity of Tickets e.g 500 and NO concessions or discounts.It will ...
General Support: How to set up Admin User Groups? Answer:
The Admin User Groups allow you to manage the osConcert software safely. In the Admin User Group you can add and delete Admin Groups, Member ...
General Support: What is Alternative Edit Categories? Answer:
Alternative Edit CategoriesThis is the original (pre ajax) shopping cart Category and Product Editor and is useful when a user needs to put a lot ...
General Support: How Can I Adjust Color Banding? Answer:
Color banding is referring to the colors used to identify and categorize seats in loaded seat-plans whereby each color represents a price range and/or a ...