Introduction: Can you explain the Featured Events? Answer:
From the perspective of the visitor we have a list of 'Featured' EVENTS (Featured meaning available/active events).In the default osConcert they will usually be a ...
Introduction: Introduction Answer:
Bienvenido a osConcert
osConcert se diseñó originalmente como una herramienta de gestión visual de reservas en línea para ayudar a los vendedores de entradas a gestionar ...
Introduction: ¿Puede describir los eventos destacados? Answer:
Desde el punto de vista del visitante, tenemos una lista de EVENTOS 'Destacados' (Destacados significa eventos disponibles / activos).El osConcert estándar suele ser una cuadrícula ...
Getting Started: What ways can we block seats? Answer:
In osConcert there are many ways to manage the seats/products.That might not be ideal ...sometimes confusing but we have an adapted shopping cart.
Each product has ...
General Support: How can we improve the Meta Search Tags? Answer:
About Meta Tags and improving search engine listings
Meta Tags
For your osConcert application….you will find your Meta Tags in the /templates/ folderSpecifically, file ‘main_page.tpl.php’<title><?php echo STORE_NAME; ...
Einführung: Wie können wir die Meta-Such-Tags verbessern? Answer:
Über Meta-Tags und Verbesserung der Suchmaschineneinträge listing
Meta Tags
Für Ihre osConcert-Anwendung .... finden Sie Ihre Meta-Tags im Ordner /templates /Insbesondere die Datei ‘main_page.tpl.php’<title><?php echo STORE_NAME; ?> ...
Introduction: How can I block many seats for Social Distancing rules? Answer:
Box Office Blocker
Since 2020 osConcert has a simple way to Block or UnBlock seats in a Reserved Seating application.
Enable Box Office Blocking in Admin>Concert Details>Allow ...
Introduction: Can you answer popular questions from prospects? Answer:
Ticketers from all over the world have certain requirements. Here is a selection Questions and Answers.
Does osConcert support Multiple Theater User Integration?We want many Theaters ...
Introduction: We are a Church, how do we get started? Answer:
How to set up osConcert with FREE Reservations? (Zero Prices)
You have just received your osConcert with your Church Seat Plan integrated.
So you will have a ...