Introduction: How can I block many seats for Social Distancing rules? Answer:
Box Office Blocker
Since 2020 osConcert has a simple way to Block or UnBlock seats in a Reserved Seating application.
Enable Box Office Blocking in Admin>Concert Details>Allow ...
Introduction: Can you answer popular questions from prospects? Answer:
Ticketers from all over the world have certain requirements. Here is a selection Questions and Answers.
Does osConcert support Multiple Theater User Integration?We want many Theaters ...
Introduction: We are a Church, how do we get started? Answer:
How to set up osConcert with FREE Reservations? (Zero Prices)
You have just received your osConcert with your Church Seat Plan integrated.
So you will have a ...
Design Mode: How do I create a seat plan in Design Mode? Answer: GOTO UPDATE 2024
In osConcert version 9.5 (APRIL 2022) there is a new feature Design Mode
To start creating seat plans in Design Mode we must first ...
Design Mode: How can we create a Car Boot Sale Booking System? Answer:
Activate Design Mode (Version 9.5) admin>concert details>box office configuration
Disable Enable Design Grid: Enable Design Grid=no (we will use our map as the guide)
Create a category ...
Shipping/Delivery: How to set up Flat Fee shipping/delivery? Answer:
We need to install a shipping module and we need to apply a weight to the products that we want to deliver by post.
There are ...
Getting Started: Everything is configured. How do I manage sales? Answer:
So you have received your osConcert and Gordon has gracefully set everything ready to start selling tickets.
What do I do?...what is Box Office? the eTicket ...
Introduction: What is NEW in osConcert Version 9 for 2023 Answer:
Version 9 is compatible for servers up to PHP 7.4.30 (non-strict)
Updated Templates and Editing
A complete overhaul of the Front End Template Design. Now it's much ...
Box Office Method: How Can We Enable oConcert For Box Office Sales Only? Answer:
Your osConcert will be installed on a server somewhere and will be accesable in a browser by all visitors but what if you don't want ...
Introduction: What's new in osConcert Version 9.9? Answer:
If you didn't already know osConcert was upgraded for PHP8.1+ servers in Version 9.8Click here to read about that
Version 9.9 is reserved for user upgrades, ...