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  • Getting Started: What ways can we block seats?
    Answer: In osConcert there are many ways to manage the seats/products.That might not be ideal ...sometimes confusing but we have an adapted shopping cart. Each product has ...
  • Introduction: How can I block many seats for Social Distancing rules?
    Answer: Box Office Blocker Since 2020 osConcert has a simple way to Block or UnBlock seats in a Reserved Seating application. Enable Box Office Blocking in Admin>Concert Details>Allow ...
  • Introduction: Can you answer popular questions from prospects?
    Answer: Ticketers from all over the world have certain requirements. Here is a selection Questions and Answers. Does osConcert support Multiple Theater User Integration?We want many Theaters ...
  • Introduction: We are a Church, how do we get started?
    Answer: How to set up osConcert with FREE Reservations? (Zero Prices) You have just received your osConcert with your Church Seat Plan integrated. So you will have a ...
  • Design Mode: How do I create a seat plan in Design Mode?
    Answer: GOTO UPDATE 2024 In osConcert version 9.5 (APRIL 2022) there is a new feature Design Mode To start creating seat plans in Design Mode we must first ...
  • Design Mode: How can we create a Car Boot Sale Booking System?
    Answer: Activate Design Mode (Version 9.5) admin>concert details>box office configuration Disable Enable Design Grid: Enable Design Grid=no  (we will use our map as the guide) Create a category ...
  • Introduction: What is NEW in osConcert Version 9 for 2023
    Answer: Version 9 is compatible for servers up to PHP 7.4.30 (non-strict) 2021/22 Updated Templates and Editing A complete overhaul of the Front End Template Design. Now it's much ...
  • Introduction: What's new in osConcert Version 9.9?
    Answer: If you didn't already know osConcert was upgraded for PHP8.1+ servers in Version 9.8Click here to read about that Version 9.9 is reserved for user upgrades, ...
  • Introduction: How to build your own seat plan?
    Answer: UPDATED November 2024 NEW in osConcert Version 10 for Design Mode FREE ONLINE SEAT PLAN MAKER Use my free tool to build up your osconcert template file. Import to ...

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