Design your seat plan for osConcert Seat Booking Software

Use my free seat plan maker to create your seatplan and export as an excell CSV file template.

You can also SAVE your settings by exporting a JSON file and import later to recreate your session.
When you have designed your seating plan and you have saved your csv to your computer, simply import to your osConcert Version 10 and generate multiple events.
You can edit your csv and rename your seats and renumber accordingly before you import to osConcert.

TIP: Use the ID numbers as a guide for keeping the seats orderly.

1: Create the shape here. 2: Export and Edit your data 3: Import to your osConcert v10

  • Design Space Width and Height: The osConcert design space starts with a maximum width of 1100px and will be responsive across all devices. Adjust the design space height accordingly.
  • Upload a Background: Use the "Upload Background" option to customize the seat plan’s appearance. You can upload a template guide to help position seats or simply add a cool background to enhance the design space.
  • Add Seats: Click "Add Seat" to create a new seat in the design space.
  • Drag Seats: Drag individual seats to position them within the seat plan by clicking and holding on a seat, then moving it to the desired location.
  • Delete Seats: Select the seat you want to delete and press [DEL] on your keyboard.
  • Group and Drag Seats:
    • Hold Ctrl (or Cmd on Mac) and click multiple seats to select them as a group.
    • Once selected, drag any seat within the group, and all selected seats will move together.
    • Release Ctrl (or Cmd) to stop selecting seats.
  • Snap to Grid: Toggle the "Snap to Grid" option to snap seats to a grid layout for precise alignment.
  • Export Seat Plan: Once you're done designing, use the "Export CSV" option to download your seat layout as a CSV file.
  • Clear All Seats: Use the "Clear All" button to reset the design space.
  • Import Seat Plan (CSV): You can use the "Import CSV" option to upload a previously saved seat layout. The imported CSV should contain the seat coordinates in the correct format, allowing you to continue working on or adjust an existing seat plan.
    Container Settings
    File Operations
    JSON File Operations
    Coordinates Log